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Basaynon Katig-uban of USA & Canada

St. Michael The Archangel Fiesta 2005 Invitation

98 Maynard Street
San Francisco, CA 94112

(Mike, Fely, Juliet, Arthur, Ernie, & Pery)
Hermanos/Hermanas 2005

January 15, 2005

Dear _________________________________

Greetings of good wishes to you and your family, today and throughout the New Year!

We have chosen August 20-21, 2005 Saturday and Sunday respectively, to celebrate the Feast of our patron saint, Saint Michael the Archangel. As early as of this date, we are already inviting you, and your family to come and join us, celebrate this joyful occasion here in this beautiful City by the Bay, San Francisco, California.

Please allow us to acquaint you with some details and plans.

Holy Mass: Saturday, August 20, 2005
Place/Time: ST. ANNE OF THE SUNSET CHURCH, 850 Judah St., S.F. CA @ 4:00 PM. Procession follows after the mass to the reception hall.

Donation: $40 is requested
Lunch: Sunday, August 21, 2005 @ 11:30 A.M., Residence of Arthur and Adora Tabungar 438 D Street, Coloma, CA 94014, Tel# (607) 756-6594 or cell# (415) 370-7518 / 370-3528

We are printing a Souvenir Program and in this regard we are soliciting for your generosity through your business advertisement or personal/complementary messages. (Please see attachment)

Please le us know on or before March 31, 2005 if you are deciding to stay in a hotel or motel so we canvass and make the necessary arrangements.

We are sincerely hoping and looking forward to seeing you here. It’s our fiesta! Let us show our devotion to St. Michael with our presence!

Sincerely yours,

Program/Invitation Committee Chairperson

Webmaster: F. Vilches, Jr., Carpentersville, Illinois, USA