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Basaynon Katig-uban of USA & Canada

Fiesta 2005 Souvenir Program


Our Souvenir Program is in full color. Due to the nature of work of a full-color printing, we are kindly requesting our advertisers/subscribers to mail advertisements or messages as soon as possible.

Camera ready “ads” will be greatly appreciated, otherwise we will do the formatting. Please send in clear pictures so the impressions will come out fine. Thank you.


* BACK COVER…………………………………$150
* INSIDE BACK COVER……………………$125
* FULL PAGE……………………………………$100
* HALF PAGE……………………………………$50
* Ό PAGE…………………………………………$30

Each advertiser/subscriber will be assured one copy which will be given during our Fiesta Celebration. If unable to attend, it will be sent through the mail.

Deadline for submission of text of advertisement or messages, pictures, and payment is MARCH 30, 2005

Please make check payable to any of the following:
Juliet T. Germain
Felicidad T. Orbacedo
Pery T. Urmeneta

Address to:
98 Maynard St.
San Francisco, CA 94112

We will be communicating with you about other information later. If you have any questions of concerns, feel free to call any of us.

Juliet: (415) 585-0823, Cell #(415) 672-2286
Fely: (415) 333-0795, Cell # (415) 425-9381
Pery (707) 704-2013

Thank you very much for your kind attention and generosity…..”God Loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9.7

Webmaster: F. Vilches, Jr., Carpentersville, Illinois, USA