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Basaynon Katig-uban of USA & Canada


August 2005

My fellow Basaynons:

It is a great honor and pleasure to greet you all during your festivities in honor of our Patron Saint, ST. MICHAEL, THE ARCHANGEL there in the western part of the world. Indeed, your collective gesture shows your steadfast love and affection for our beloved town, BASEY whose traditions give strength to our struggle for a much better and developed community. Seemingly, we all know that to go against this backdrop will lead us again to the state of wilderness and confusion. Such that, we believe that the core values of our endeavors must be cohesiveness rather than divisiveness. Towards this direction, we must continue our struggle to thwart the "Basey-baseo syndrome". This is the only way to achieve an empowered and positive-minded Basaynon!

CONGRATULATIONS to the TABUNGAR FAMILY, The Hermano of this year's celebration of the USA-CANADA Basaynon Katig-uban, who undoubtedly shares this idea, the cornerstone of our fiesta celebration!

MAUPAY NGA PATRON HA U IYO NGATANAN, and may the Good Lord, Jesus Christ, bless us always through the intercession of our Patron Saint, St. Michael, the Archangel.

On my part, as Hermano Mayor of this year's annual town fiesta, in behalf of my family, and the newly organized and activated Parish Pastoral Council, allow me, to invite you all to come home once again and join us during the festivities.

Furthermore, please be informed that with the move of the council's priority agenda to continue the church restoration project which you have unselfishly supported, and in now on-going, may you unceasingly give your love and assistance thereto. Our unending gratitude and prayers for all our continued bliss!

Hermano Mayor 2005

Webmaster: F. Vilches, Jr., Carpentersville, Illinois, USA