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Basaynon Katig-uban of USA & Canada


St. Anne of the Sunset
August 2005

Dear Devotees and friends of Basaynon Katig-uban USA/CANADA,


May I welcome all of you as you celebrate the Fiesta of your Patron, St. Michael on August 20, 2005. It is an honor to have you as our guests and pilgrims here at St. Anne's Church. My special greeting and blessing to the Tabungar Family (Mike, Fely, Juliet, Arthur, Ernie and Pery) who are the sponsors of this year's festivities.

St. Michael appeared in prophet Daniel's vision as the "great prince" who defends Israel against its enemies; in the Book of Revelation, he leads God's armies to final victory over the forces of evil. As a Messenger of God, St. Michael continues to defend us from the forces of evil. Evil is a reality and it has many faces. And the old maxim says that evil only triumphs when good men and women do nothing.

Our devotion to St. Michael is not a mere religious function but it is a constant reminder that we struggle against evil. The greatest evil is not from without but from within. Our evil intentions is what destroys and arrests truth and relationships and undermines the good names of our brothers and sisters. Let us invoke St. Michael to assist us in our struggle to be authentic disciples of Jesus.

St. Michael, Deliver us!

(Sgd) Fr. Ed Dura

Webmaster: F. Vilches, Jr., Carpentersville, Illinois, USA