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Basaynon Katig-uban of USA & Canada

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Samar


13 August 2004
Basey, Samar

To my fellow Basaynons of USA-CANADA:

It is so heartwarming to take note that you are enlivened by our culture of being Basaynons! We, Basaynons, are known to be sincere, fun-loving and conservative, however, to cope with the current global trends, are now more open-minded and cooperative towards development. Hence, with this year's celebration of our fiesta in honor of our beloved patron saint, St. Michael the Archagel, may we all be one in giving thanks to the Almighty Father through the former's intercession for all the bounty showered on us and that we may continue to be blessed in all our good intentions for the welfare of the majority, especially the less priviledged and the marginalized workers.

Our congratulations to all of you, particularly the Hermana and Hermano Mayor, Freida and Amado Gayon Gad in leading the splendid and wonderful celebration! May you be blessed forever, likewise, to all the Basaynon constituents in that part of the globe! Please take some time to come home and we'll show you somehow our warmest welcome to each one of you!

Finally, may we all join hands in taking care of our beautiful and beloved BASAY! MABUHAY!

Very truly yours,

Municipal Mayor

* Didi is the outgoing mayor of Basey

Webmaster: F. Vilches, Jr., Carpentersville, Illinois, USA